This camera features 100% mechanically operated titanium honeycomb shutter curtains that can consistently synchronize with flash speeds of up to 1/250s and can shoot at an impressive speed of 1/4,000s when necessary. The FM2 stands out as one of Nikon’s most enduring SLRs, with a production run lasting 19 years! This review explores the camera’s lineage and characteristics in detail.
When processing black-and-white film, it may be necessary to determine the dilution ratios of concentrate to water. These ratios vary based on the volume of solution you intend to prepare.
I’ve included free trials for the apps and articles exclusive to GOLD subscribers on Analog.Cafe to assist you in determining if a membership is a worthwhile investment. #editorial.
In this review, I discuss my experience with shooting and processing this film using both the specialized Adotech CMS IV developer and the non-specialized Ilford DD-X. I also cover its technical specifications and present the outcomes of my effort to create a 400-megapixel scan, which is the highest resolution I can achieve with my existing hardware and software.
The project, which has been in the works for more than two years, came to my attention towards the end of last year. However, since the launch page ( has only displayed renders (i.e., not real photos of the product) and the Analogue team has acknowledged in the comments on Kosmo Foto’s article that the sample image on that page was not captured with their camera... #editorial.
This article serves as a continuation of yesterday's experiment involving pulling HP5+ to ISO 3. While the previous task was relatively straightforward, I cannot necessarily endorse attempting what I am about to discuss. Nevertheless, this resource includes all the techniques and recipes needed to recreate the experiment, along with recommended development times for HP5+ at EI 12800, 25600, and 51200.
Ilford HP5+ is a ninety-year-old black-and-white film renowned for its versatility, sharpness, and consistent reaction to different development techniques. Many photographers enjoy push-processing it and occasionally pull-processing it. However, to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever pull-processed it to this degree; therefore, this could be the first instance of anyone presenting the technique and results using HP5+ as if it were an ISO 3 film.
The Tsushima Cyanotypes is a black-and-blue photobook featuring cyanotypes by KC Ahonen, with only 200 copies available. I enjoyed turning the 76 pages of this uncoated A5-sized book and observing the 30 beautifully printed blue-on-white cyanotype images. However, the most powerful element of this book was the artist’s statement, in which KC shared the origins of his images and their strange link to our contemporary existence within a parallel universe of ones and zeros.
Welcome to our website dedicated to digital detox—a practical method that helps you reduce excessive use of electronic devices and social media. In today’s world, smartphones, laptops, and constant notifications surround us, often leading to information overload and heightened stress levels. A digital detox allows you to consciously limit time spent online, giving you back control over your attention.
Here, you’ll find actionable tips on how to gently and effectively curb gadget dependency. We discuss ways to develop healthy habits around smartphone and social media use, establish a daily routine without endless notifications, and truly enjoy “offline reality.” You’ll learn about exercises and relaxation techniques that can help calm your mind and improve concentration, as well as strategies for balancing work, hobbies, and family time.
Our site will serve as your guide to achieving a more balanced relationship with technology, giving you the space to rest, decrease anxiety, and make room for the things that truly matter. Discover a world without constant alerts and experience the positive impact on your overall quality of life!