Chemical Dilution Calculator.
When processing black-and-white film, you might need to compute the dilution measurements of concentrate and water. These measurements vary based on the volume of solution you wish to prepare.
For instance, 300ml or 10oz of developer solution is sufficient for a single 35mm film—what are the corresponding volumes of water and concentrate when using Rodinal at a 1+25 dilution?
To determine the precise amounts of water and concentrate for the 300ml mixture, you can use this equation:
x = (1/25) × (300 — x)
…where “x” represents the volume of developer required.
The result is 11.54ml of developer, which leaves 300 — 11.54 = 288.46ml of water. To verify, dividing 288.46 by 11.54 yields 25 (one part developer to 25 parts water). It is advisable to round this to the more practical measurements of 290ml and 12ml, or convert it to 10oz and 12ml for US/UK beakers.
(Note that rounding may be applied differently for ounces and milliliters, and it might be wise to round the concentrate volume up.)
The Chemical Dilution Calculator performs all of these calculations automatically. It also adjusts the default measurement units based on your location and allows you to view the exact measurements if needed.
The Chemical Dilution Calculator is integrated into the Chem Log app. To use it, visit this page: and click the purple “Dilution Calculator” button.
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When processing black-and-white film, it may be necessary to determine the dilution ratios of concentrate to water. These ratios vary based on the volume of solution you intend to prepare.