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New color film: Harman Red 125!

New color film: Harman Red 125!

      New color film: Harman Red 125!

      Harman, the creator of the well-known black-and-white Ilford emulsions, has launched a redscale variant of its Phoenix 200 film.

      Redscaling involves placing color film into your camera “upside-down,” resulting in pronounced red tones with darker exposures.

      You can redscale any color film at home (as detailed below), including Phoenix 200.

      Harman’s Red 125 features new packaging with an updated DX code to indicate the film’s reduced light sensitivity. The factory has also printed the edge markings on the correct side so that commercial labs can easily recognize, develop, and scan this film.

      A technical document regarding Red 125 (available here:…) includes characteristic curves demonstrating around 4 stops of composite dynamic range (3 for the red channel), along with an intriguing spectral sensitivity graphic.

      While the “standard” Harman Phoenix 200 included specific scanning guidelines for commercial labs, the Red 125 documentation recommends standard settings for all scanners.

      Helpful articles:

      What is and how to redscale color film —…

      Harman vs. Ilford —…

      Harman Phoenix 200 film —…

      What is dynamic range —…


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New color film: Harman Red 125!

Harman, the manufacturer known for its well-regarded black-and-white Ilford emulsions, has recently introduced a redscale variant of their Phoenix 200 film. #editorial.